Friday, April 17, 2009

Great Job, Team 7-2

Terrific job completing the final today on Roll of Thunder Hear, My Cry. From the looks of the few finals I have perused, you obviously had a good understanding of the book. My biggest regret is that MCAS scheduling did not allow our "great generation " speakers to come in to talk to us about life during The Great Depression. We do have some wonderful interviews to listen to once we return from vacation.

While you are relaxing!!!!!!

Think of four characters from each of the books you have read this year. You will be responsible for putting together characters from four of the novels we have read so far and creating a setting, conflict, and of course a resolution for a short story. Got any ideas? Your story must teach a moral appropriate for an elememntary student. We will also teach them some English, Science, Social Studies or Math lessons. Think about it!!!

Have A Wonderful Vacation!!!

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