Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bookmark Tomorrow For Pages 30-43.

We completed Stave One today and tomorrow we will begin Stave Two (Part Six when you listen). Please complete your third bookmark for this part of Stave Two.

Copy words, definitions and parts of speech into notebook.

No paragraph tonight.

Be thinking of a "holiday" tradition for your hat. DO NOT DO ANYTHING IN HAT, YET!!!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bookmark For Pages 16-29 Due Tomorrow.

We visited the Book Fair today. Bring your money tomorrow if you want to purchase books.

Today we began Stave One of A Christmas Carol. We began working on a Bookmark for the first eight pages. Finish the Stave tonight and complete the SECOND or MIDDLE Bookmark for Stave One pages 16-29.

Write your second paragraph in your notebook tonight for homework. We will conference tomorrow.

Make sure you copy the list of vocabulary words in your vocabulary notebook for Thursday.

Permission slips for field trip.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I Am Thankful For All Of You!

Thank you all for a wonderful day yesterday. I hope you enjoyed the trip as much as I did. Thank you for the wonderful behavior, the sense of adventure, and the willingness to learn so much new information in such a short period of time. It was a trip I hope you won't soon forget. I know I won't. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

See You At 5:00AM Tomorrow Morning.

Don't forget to go to bed early.

Dress warmly.

Bring food and drinks.

Drawstring bag.


Be on time.

Cannot wait!!!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Three More Days!

Hopefully, you are getting ready for our trip on Tuesday, November 22nd.
Make sure to dress warmly for the ferry. A sweatshirt is your best bet.

Bring some pocket money for McDoanald's on the way home.

Make sure you have a lunch in an insulated bag, a drink and some snacks. You'll get hungry.

If you have a G or PG movie (without inappropriate language or content) check it out with your chaperone. We might be able to watch it on the bus.

Bring a bag big enough to hold some personal items but not too big to carry around.

Best behavior is a MUST!!!!!

I'll give you your passports on Monday. They look great. I'm proud of the effort many of you demonstrated on this assignment.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Passports Due Tomorrow

When you arrive in class tomorrow the "Do Now" will be the plural sheets you would have had for homework. Make sure your passports are completed and done well.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Type "My Favorite Adventure" On Google docs And Insert Stamp And Picture.

We worked all period on the passport. Hopefully, everyone will have success typing on Googledocs. Please type "My Favorite Adventure" and insert the stamp and picture.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Passports Are Looking Good!

Today we read and edited our essay about Lois Duncan. We exchanged our notebooks with other group members and went through the FCA's and BRAIN DUMP to check our open response.

Tonight we will check online for a copy of a passport stamp from our ancestor's country. Try to fill in the information about the name of the person you've been researching. We are almost ready to go!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Period Five Final Tomorrow.

Today in Periods 2 and 3 we had the final on the book, IKWYDLS. Tomorrow, Period 5 will take the final on the book. PLEASE make sure your final copy of your open response is typed. I edited most of the team's rough drafts but was unable to read a few. Please make sure they are passed in tomorrow. Period 5 will staple their typed final copies to their final.

Tomorrow Periods 2 and 3 will watch a DVD about Lois Duncan "A Visit With Lois Duncan" and takes notes in their notebooks during the movie. Jot down reasons why she wrote the books she wrote. What inspired her to become an author? You will receive a writing prompt. FCA's should be second nature to you by now.

You have a Genealogy Map indicating who your ancestor is and where he/she originated from. Periods 2 and 3 will begin passports on Monday, November 14th. Keep searching for more information to bring to class.

CORE Enrichment!!!! Type power points throughout the week ready to begin presenting next week. Good Luck!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Final Tomorrow.

Today we reviewed for the final. I know you will do "swimmingly" because of your answers on the preparation sheet you completed for homework. Please remember to explain how, when,where and why when describing a flashback or a metamorphosis or an epiphany.

Also, color in the country on the Genealogy Map. Try to trace your ancestor's family back at least one generation by using the link we looked at earlier on the blog

Monday, November 7, 2011

Let's Get Caught Up!

Periods Two and Three had the Vocabulary Test today for Chapter 13-18. All Classes will have the final on Wednesday, November 9th. We have gone over the Literary Terms sheet and the Final Preparation Sheet as well. Study your terms and complete the Final Preparation Sheet for homework tonight!

Periods Two and Three should bring their final draft for the open response tomorow IF they had their essay edited by Mrs. Jaggers today. Otherwise, the final draft of the open response is due on Wednesday which is the day of the Final. Everyone else needs to bring their rough draft in tomorrow if it has not been edited by Mrs. Jaggers, Mrs. Trebach or Mr. Evans.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hey Kids! Change Of Plan!

Wow! I will not see you until Monday! How about if I tell you to be ready for the vocabulary test on Monday and we will discuss the final? Extra points for the missing word in Quizlet are still an option. Stay safe!!!

Hey Kids! Hope You Are Well!

Since we had three days off, we will still have the vocabulary test on Thursday, November 3rd and the Final on Monday, November 7th. I put the words on Quizlet last Saturday before the storm. Hope some of you had a chance to play. If you can find the word and definition I left out of Quizlet, I'll give you 3 extra points on your Thursday, November 3rd vocabulary test.

Period Five, we will go over the last chapter of the book and the literature terms sheet before the final on Monday, November 7th.