I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Did you get any highlighters from Santa Claus???
Have your Christmas Carol finals signed and read the first two chapters of The Giver. No quarter notes, no bookmark, just read. We'll talk about the book when we return. Happy New Year!!!!! (I miss you, a little):))
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Nice Job Today!
Looking forward to tomorrow for the Culture Day Holiday Song Competition!
Make sure you help prepare your region's food or bring in a something to share; plates, napkins or drinks.
Make sure you help prepare your region's food or bring in a something to share; plates, napkins or drinks.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Type 5 Paragraphs Tonight!
We used the netbooks to type today so many students do not have homework tonight! However, if you do not have a typed double-spaced copy of your essay; please do so tonight!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Write Five Paragraphs In Vocabulary Notebook For Tonight.
We had a Writer's Workshop today so most people are well on the way to completing their long composition.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Final On Monday, December 19th.
Today we used class as an opportunity to study for the final. We also decided on the open response to be scored for part of our final grade.
Remember, if you are fixing you analogies, please put the correct answer, have the paper signed by a parent or guardian, and explain why the answer you fixed is the correct answer.
Remember, if you are fixing you analogies, please put the correct answer, have the paper signed by a parent or guardian, and explain why the answer you fixed is the correct answer.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Open Reponses Due Tomorrow. Final on Monday, December 19th.
We completed the book today and took a spelling test in our vocabulary notebook. We have some work to do! Tomorrow we will review for the Final rescheduled for Monday, December 19th.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Two Typed Responses Due On Friday, Decemeber 16th.
Work on your open responses in your vocabulary or grammar and mechanics notebook. Please keep a dictionary close by to check spelling and punctuation.
Both answers should be typed for Friday. I am available for help tomorrow until 3:15pm. Do not put this off!
Both answers should be typed for Friday. I am available for help tomorrow until 3:15pm. Do not put this off!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Two-sided Sheet For Homework.
Don't forget to do your homework for Staves 4 and 5. Finish the reading and complete the sheet.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Tomorrow is the Play
If you dress up tomorrow you will receive extra points. You do not need to buy anything new just wear something you own that is more dressy than usual!
You have a two-sided sheet for Staves 4 and 5 to be completed by Wednesday, December 14th. The back of the sheet is a Vocabulary Building Activity.
Read Stave 4 pages 100-114 and Stave 5 pages 114-124 and you will have finished the book.
Remember to report to your English class tomorrow for attendance.
Leave your lunch in your locker and leave your bag at home.
You have a two-sided sheet for Staves 4 and 5 to be completed by Wednesday, December 14th. The back of the sheet is a Vocabulary Building Activity.
Read Stave 4 pages 100-114 and Stave 5 pages 114-124 and you will have finished the book.
Remember to report to your English class tomorrow for attendance.
Leave your lunch in your locker and leave your bag at home.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Read Pages 92-100. Do One Bookmark.
We wrote about the places Scrooge was taken by the Ghost of Christmas Past and the lesson he learned from each visit.
We conferenced about our fifth paragraph.
We talked about the second half of Stave Three but did not finish in any class. We'll continue on Monday, December 12th.
Tonight's homework is to read the first ten pages of Stave Four and complete one Bookmark.
Study your new words on Quizlet.
We'll go over the Stave Three Quiz Time on Monday, December 12th.
Four more days till the play!!!!!!!
We conferenced about our fifth paragraph.
We talked about the second half of Stave Three but did not finish in any class. We'll continue on Monday, December 12th.
Tonight's homework is to read the first ten pages of Stave Four and complete one Bookmark.
Study your new words on Quizlet.
We'll go over the Stave Three Quiz Time on Monday, December 12th.
Four more days till the play!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Don.t Forget Quiz Times Tonight.
Today we discussed the places the Ghost of Christmas Past took Scrooge. Please finish the Quiz Time for homework.
Also, finish the Quiz Time for Stave Three.
The hats look great!!!!
We'll conference again tomorrow on the fifth paragraph while you are working on the "Do Now."
Also, finish the Quiz Time for Stave Three.
The hats look great!!!!
We'll conference again tomorrow on the fifth paragraph while you are working on the "Do Now."
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Tonight Finish Your Hat.
Tonight you must finish your "Holiday Tradition" hat. All essays have been edited and should now be put onto the hat which needs to be decorated and then cut out for the front bulletin board.
Make sure you copy your new vocabulary words into your notebook for Friday. Include the word, definition and part of speech.
Complete the puzzle you received in class.
Choose one example of figurative language for the bulletin board. It should be neatly printed, decorated and include a page number.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Read Stave Three Pages 57-72.
Tonight we are reading Stave Three and filling in one Bookmark for pages 57-72.
Our "Holiday Tradition" hats are due on Thursday. They have been revised and need to be colored, decorated and cut out. Name goes on the back!
Study your Journey Circle from today.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Finish Both Sides Of Stave Two Sheet
Finish both sides of the Stave two sheet. We'll resume conferencing tomorrow.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Write Your Fifth Paragraph In Your Grammar And Mechanics Notebook.
Make sure you finish your fifth paragraph in your notebook.
Type your "Holiday Tradition" for Monday, December 5th.
Do not do anything to the hat, yet.
Test for Stave One vocabulary on Monday. Be sure to review and/or listen to Stave One.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Tomorrow We Will Conference Again.
Today we answered the questions for Stave One of "A Christmas Carol" and worked on Bookmarks for the second part of Stave Two. Each student had his/her paragraphs read by a teacher.
Write the next two paragraphs in your notebook.
Make sure Stave One questions are completed (front and back).
Bring Hats and Bookmarks to class tomorrow.
We will go over vocabulary and summarize Stave One for test on Monday, December 5th.
Write the next two paragraphs in your notebook.
Make sure Stave One questions are completed (front and back).
Bring Hats and Bookmarks to class tomorrow.
We will go over vocabulary and summarize Stave One for test on Monday, December 5th.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Bookmark Tomorrow For Pages 30-43.
We completed Stave One today and tomorrow we will begin Stave Two (Part Six when you listen). Please complete your third bookmark for this part of Stave Two.
Copy words, definitions and parts of speech into notebook.
No paragraph tonight.
Be thinking of a "holiday" tradition for your hat. DO NOT DO ANYTHING IN HAT, YET!!!!!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Bookmark For Pages 16-29 Due Tomorrow.
We visited the Book Fair today. Bring your money tomorrow if you want to purchase books.
Today we began Stave One of A Christmas Carol. We began working on a Bookmark for the first eight pages. Finish the Stave tonight and complete the SECOND or MIDDLE Bookmark for Stave One pages 16-29.
Write your second paragraph in your notebook tonight for homework. We will conference tomorrow.
Make sure you copy the list of vocabulary words in your vocabulary notebook for Thursday.
Permission slips for field trip.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
I Am Thankful For All Of You!
Thank you all for a wonderful day yesterday. I hope you enjoyed the trip as much as I did. Thank you for the wonderful behavior, the sense of adventure, and the willingness to learn so much new information in such a short period of time. It was a trip I hope you won't soon forget. I know I won't. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
Monday, November 21, 2011
See You At 5:00AM Tomorrow Morning.
Don't forget to go to bed early.
Dress warmly.
Bring food and drinks.
Drawstring bag.
Be on time.
Cannot wait!!!!!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Three More Days!
Hopefully, you are getting ready for our trip on Tuesday, November 22nd.
Make sure to dress warmly for the ferry. A sweatshirt is your best bet.
Bring some pocket money for McDoanald's on the way home.
Make sure you have a lunch in an insulated bag, a drink and some snacks. You'll get hungry.
If you have a G or PG movie (without inappropriate language or content) check it out with your chaperone. We might be able to watch it on the bus.
Bring a bag big enough to hold some personal items but not too big to carry around.
Best behavior is a MUST!!!!!
I'll give you your passports on Monday. They look great. I'm proud of the effort many of you demonstrated on this assignment.
Make sure to dress warmly for the ferry. A sweatshirt is your best bet.
Bring some pocket money for McDoanald's on the way home.
Make sure you have a lunch in an insulated bag, a drink and some snacks. You'll get hungry.
If you have a G or PG movie (without inappropriate language or content) check it out with your chaperone. We might be able to watch it on the bus.
Bring a bag big enough to hold some personal items but not too big to carry around.
Best behavior is a MUST!!!!!
I'll give you your passports on Monday. They look great. I'm proud of the effort many of you demonstrated on this assignment.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Passports Due Tomorrow
When you arrive in class tomorrow the "Do Now" will be the plural sheets you would have had for homework. Make sure your passports are completed and done well.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Type "My Favorite Adventure" On Google docs And Insert Stamp And Picture.
We worked all period on the passport. Hopefully, everyone will have success typing on Googledocs. Please type "My Favorite Adventure" and insert the stamp and picture.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Passports Are Looking Good!
Today we read and edited our essay about Lois Duncan. We exchanged our notebooks with other group members and went through the FCA's and BRAIN DUMP to check our open response.
Tonight we will check online for a copy of a passport stamp from our ancestor's country. Try to fill in the information about the name of the person you've been researching. We are almost ready to go!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Period Five Final Tomorrow.
Today in Periods 2 and 3 we had the final on the book, IKWYDLS. Tomorrow, Period 5 will take the final on the book. PLEASE make sure your final copy of your open response is typed. I edited most of the team's rough drafts but was unable to read a few. Please make sure they are passed in tomorrow. Period 5 will staple their typed final copies to their final.
Tomorrow Periods 2 and 3 will watch a DVD about Lois Duncan "A Visit With Lois Duncan" and takes notes in their notebooks during the movie. Jot down reasons why she wrote the books she wrote. What inspired her to become an author? You will receive a writing prompt. FCA's should be second nature to you by now.
You have a Genealogy Map indicating who your ancestor is and where he/she originated from. Periods 2 and 3 will begin passports on Monday, November 14th. Keep searching for more information to bring to class.
CORE Enrichment!!!! Type power points throughout the week ready to begin presenting next week. Good Luck!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Final Tomorrow.
Today we reviewed for the final. I know you will do "swimmingly" because of your answers on the preparation sheet you completed for homework. Please remember to explain how, when,where and why when describing a flashback or a metamorphosis or an epiphany.
Also, color in the country on the Genealogy Map. Try to trace your ancestor's family back at least one generation by using the link we looked at earlier on the blog
Monday, November 7, 2011
Let's Get Caught Up!
Periods Two and Three had the Vocabulary Test today for Chapter 13-18. All Classes will have the final on Wednesday, November 9th. We have gone over the Literary Terms sheet and the Final Preparation Sheet as well. Study your terms and complete the Final Preparation Sheet for homework tonight!
Periods Two and Three should bring their final draft for the open response tomorow IF they had their essay edited by Mrs. Jaggers today. Otherwise, the final draft of the open response is due on Wednesday which is the day of the Final. Everyone else needs to bring their rough draft in tomorrow if it has not been edited by Mrs. Jaggers, Mrs. Trebach or Mr. Evans.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Hey Kids! Change Of Plan!
Wow! I will not see you until Monday! How about if I tell you to be ready for the vocabulary test on Monday and we will discuss the final? Extra points for the missing word in Quizlet are still an option. Stay safe!!!
Hey Kids! Hope You Are Well!
Since we had three days off, we will still have the vocabulary test on Thursday, November 3rd and the Final on Monday, November 7th. I put the words on Quizlet last Saturday before the storm. Hope some of you had a chance to play. If you can find the word and definition I left out of Quizlet, I'll give you 3 extra points on your Thursday, November 3rd vocabulary test.
Period Five, we will go over the last chapter of the book and the literature terms sheet before the final on Monday, November 7th.
Period Five, we will go over the last chapter of the book and the literature terms sheet before the final on Monday, November 7th.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Stay Warm and Play Quizlet!
If you did not finish the book yesterday, we will do so on Monday, Period 5. You have the open response questions of which you are to choose ONE to be outlined and written for revision on Tuesday. Your final typed copy is due on Wednesday, November 3rd which is also the day of the final. Have your book ready to be collected.
Try Quizlet
Vocabualry Test Tuesday, November 1st.
Open response and completed graphic organizer due Tuesday, November 1st.
Final on IKWYDLS Wednesday, November 2nd.
Typed open response due Wednesday, November 2nd.
Trial Preparation, Thursday and Friday, November 3rd and 4th.
Try Quizlet
Vocabualry Test Tuesday, November 1st.
Open response and completed graphic organizer due Tuesday, November 1st.
Final on IKWYDLS Wednesday, November 2nd.
Typed open response due Wednesday, November 2nd.
Trial Preparation, Thursday and Friday, November 3rd and 4th.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Read Chapter 18!
Tomorrow our 20 words, definitions, and parts of speech are due. Pick one word for the Vocabulary Viper sheet. Be sure to have one simile, one metaphor, one personificationa and one idiom for your Chapter 17 Bookmark. Fill the Chapter 18 Bookmark.
Study your literary terms sheet over the weekend.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Read Chapter 17 Tonight!
The excitement is mounting and now we know who the stalker is. But.....what will he do next???
We have identified the "figurative language" for Chapter 16. Period Three will take care of Chapter 17 and Period Five will take care of Chapter 18.
Tonight write in your notebook and explain in no less than 5 sentences: What was Barry's epiphany and what did he realize?"
Vocabulary words due Friday, October 28th in Vocabulary Notebook.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Read Chapter 16.
Today we talked about "pronouns" and played some games on the SMART Board. We will be working more on pronouns this week.
Today we also completed Chapter 14 in class and read Chapter 15 together. For homework tonight, fill in one Bookmark for Chapter 15 only writing, 1 simile and page number, 1 metaphor and page number, 1 personification and page number and 1 idiom and page number.
Fill in the WHOLE Bookmark after reading Chapter 16 tonight!!!!! (and page numbers).
Monday, October 24, 2011
Read Chapter 14 and Assignment Explained Below.
Be sure to read chapter 14 and explain; "What is the' foreshadowing' in Chapter 14. answer in at least 5 well-organized sentences.
Choose 10 new words, definitions and parts of speech from Chapter 14.
Try the grammar games.
Study notes from the board today.
A verb of being can stand alone. Ex. I am tall.
A verb of being can help another verb of being. Ex. I have been sick.
A verb of being can help an action word. Ex. You have won the prize!
Forms of be:
am is are was were has have had can do did done does may might must will shall would could should seem being been
Friday, October 21, 2011
No Homework! Have A Good Weekend!
Next week we will begin pronouns. Try the links to get a headstart!!!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Word Walls Work Wonders!!!!!!
Today we constructed our own list of vocabulary words for word walls in Room 206. Test on Friday, October 21st. Tonight's homework is to use the 11 words from your word wall in a paragraph. Make sure each word is used correctly and the paragraph relates to the book, IKWYDLS.
mezmerized, twinge,weariness,mar,rev,hashing,Grecian,sceptical or skeptical,hysteria,leafing,
likewise,kitty (not meow),vulnerability,crucial,sprawled,consciously
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Chapter 12 Summary and 5 New Words, Definitions and Parts of Speech.
We had to read beyond Chapter 12 to answer the questions on the Study Guide. Therefore, writing a one page summary of the events in Chapter 12 should be fairly simple. You do not need to do Quarter Notes for Chapter 12. Read the chapter, find 5 words you are unsure of and write the definition and the part of speech. Write a neat, well-organized summary of the chapter in your vocabulary notebook.
Field Trip Money For Ellis Island is Due!
See you tomorrow.
Field Trip Money For Ellis Island is Due!
See you tomorrow.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sequencing Tonight
Today we took a test on subjects, predicates, prepositional phrases, and kinds of sentences. We also have a sequencing sheet to complete for homework. Please take your time and remember to make a graphic organizer before writing the open response on the back.
We'll go over the Study Guide questions up to #45.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Great Job on Friday Empire!
Just a reminder to study kinds of sentences, prepositional phrases and subjects and predicates for the test tomorrow. You will do "swimmingly" IF you check your notes, try the games on the blog and refer to handouts in your binder. Due tomorrow is final copy of open response about Julie and the pact "wrecking a whole famiy" and Mozart packet and Study Guide questions to #45.
Enjoy the sunshine!!!!!
Enjoy the sunshine!!!!!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Questions 42-45 are Due Tomorrow and Final Draft of Essay.
Don't forget to bring blue and red colored pencils to class tomorrow and wear your Team t-shirt!!!!!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Make sure to Do Packet, "When I Was a Kid: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart."
We reviewed kinds of sentences on the Smartboard AND went over Chapter 10 of IKWYDLS. We reviewed questions to check comprehension and understanding. For homework, have all questions up to 45 complete in notebook for Friday, October 14th.
We talked about MCAS strategies and how important highlighting and prereading are to successfully answering open response questions. We received a packet entitled, "When I Was a Kid: Wofgang Amadeus Mozart" in class. We are responsible for implementing strategies we learned and completing the packet for tomorrow.
Test on Subjects and Predicates, Prepositional Phrases and Kinds of Sentences on Monday, October 17th!!!!!
Rock Band t-shirt tomorrow!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Answer Questions 40-42 from Study Guide in Vocabulary/Notetaking Notebook.
Today we went over the four kinds of sentences; declarative, imperative, interrogative and exclamatory. Make sure to study them so you remember them. Test on Monday, October 17th.
Answer questions 40-42 in vocabulary notebook, also.
Today we partner read Chapter 10 from IKWYDLS. Respond to the following question in your vocabulary notebook. Who said, "We wrecked a whole family!" and what did that person mean? Answer in 5-8 well-thought out, well-organizd sentences.
40% Strong opening and closing sentences.
40% Strong supporting details (quotations)
20% Conventions (spelling, capitalization,punctuation)
Remember to make a graphic organizer.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Read chapter 11 and Do Quarter Notes!
Make sure to read the book and do the quarter notes!
See you Tuesday. Core Enrichment: Don't forget to get your book!!!!!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Read Chapter 10 and Do Bookmark.
Today we reviewed Chapter 9 and the literary devices used on the bookmarks. Tonight we will read Chapter 10 and complete a bookmark for the chapter.
We have a literary device sheet to complete for homework. The sentences MUST have to do with the book, IKWYDLS.
Preposition Poems look beautiful!!!
Tell me five facts about Megan. Please use complete sentences. Extra points!!!!!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Completed Preposition Poem and Answer Questions 33-36.
Be sure to per fect' your preposition poem to be passed in tomorrow.
20% Correctly use 5 prepositional phrases describing a character from IKWYDLS
20% Conventions, first word should be capitalized, comma after each line,period at the end.
Spelling is perfect since we made corrections in class.
20% Subject and Predicate on the last line.
20% Creativity and pictures to illustrate the character. No handwritten words or letters.
20% Neatness and name on back of paper.
Answer questions #33-36 from Study Guide in Vocabulary/Notetaking Notebook.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Write Preposition Poem In Notebook, Do Bookmark For Chapter 9.
A preposition poem is easy and fun. Write one in your notebook and begin making letters on your computer or cutting them out of a magazine. Write your poem about a character......DON'T TELL THE IDENTITY!
At the station,
with smeared mascara,
after the announcement,
about her boyfriend,
in the hospital,
sat The Golden Girl.
Create one of your own.
Remember your bookmark is due, also.
Field trip money and permission slip due ASAP.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Chapter 7 and 8 Quarter Notes.
Today we corrected homework from over the weekend. We corrected the "Identifying Prepositions" sheet and also went over the answers to questions 24-26 from the Study Guide for IKWYDLS. Tonight you are assigned questions 28 and 29 to answer in your vocabulary notebook.
Study your notes about "Adjectives and Adverbs" also.
Please bring in Ellis Island permission slip and $50.00 by Friday, October 7th if possible.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Study Guide Questions 24-26 Due Monday, October 3rd.
We worked on our Prezi today and will continue next week. Be sure to answer your Study Guide questions in your vocabulary notebook.
Identifying Prepositions sheet.
Finish reading Chapter 7 and complete Quarter Notes.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Preposition Practice and Chapter 6 Quarter Notes Due Tomorrow, September 28th.
We continued to work on prepositional phrases and prepositions. Hopefully, we feel a little more confident today than yesterday.
We'll get back to the book tomorrow, too. Let's review the Study Guide questions.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Finish The Odd Numbers Tonight For Homework.
We began working on prepositions today. We learned that prepositions show position and prepositional phrases begin with a preposition and end in a noun or pronoun as the object of the preposition. We underlined the subject once, the predicate twice and put a parenthesis around the prepositional phrase. Tonight we finish the odd numbers on the preposition sheet 55.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Before I Forget!
Besides prepositions, we will be learning about story elements next week and how they apply to the book. We will be talking about; epiphany, metamorphosis, foreshadow, flashback, protagonist, antagonist, theme, plot, climax, conflict, and resolution. Seem like a lot? It's really not! You'll master all these in no time!!!!! Stay dry!!!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Finish Time line and Have Test Signed.
Next week we will begin working on prepositions. Remember a preposition shows position. We'll work on it next week. Look at the "Check it Out" link and get ahead. Have a groovy weekend!!!!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Test Tomorrow, September 23rd.
Make sure you actively study tonight for the test AND complete a bookmark for Chapter 5. Don't forget to answer the Study Guide questions 19-23 for Chapter 5 in your vocabulary notebook.
Vote tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Test on Friday, September 24th.
We continue to work on Subjects and Predicates. Tonight we have sentences about the book on which to underline the subject and the predicate. We will also construct our own sentences and underline the subject and the predicate.
Actively study for the test on Friday, September 24th.
Immigration bulletin board needs a little TLC.
Vote on Friday after the test.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Actively Study Vocabulary For Test, September 22nd.
We had an assembly today so we did not get a chance to play BINGO. Don't forget Quizlet! Also, you worked on a parts of speech/subject and predicate sheet today. Make sure it is finished.
Let's construct a great bulletin board about IMMIGRATION. We're on the way!!!!!
Great entries for the character contest! We'll vote by the end of the week!!! I'll need some volunteers to help me collect the votes. Any takers????
Monday, September 19, 2011
BINGO Due Tomorrow and Quarter Notes For Chapter 5.
We reviewed vocabulary on the SMART board today and watched a PBS special which I have put on the blog. We ran out of class time so check it out!
The bulletin board is starting to take shape. Let's get your windows in if you have not already done so.
We have many Helen and Julie character drawings. How about some more Ray and Barry???
Also, see if you can come to class with the name of an ancestor to research before we go to Ellis Island.
If you have any immigration information, let's add to the bulletin board in the classroom. Any ideas????
T-shirt money tomorrow.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Your Tests Look Pretty Good.
We are still working on vocabulary for Chapters 4-9. Please fill in 24 words you are NOT 100% sure of onto your BINGO sheet. We'll play next week. The sheet should include the words, the definitions, and the parts of speech which we have already reviewed. The BINGO sheet is due on Tuesday, September 20th.
Please make sure you put your first and last name "in black" on the window (the long way). You should color the background with red, white and blue. Let's make them look beautiful.
Keep those character sketches coming!!!!!!
T-shirt money due on Monday, September 19th.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Tomorrow Test on Chapters 1-4.
Hopefully, you are checking the blog! Make sure you have finished writing about "What happened last summer" for the test tomorrow. Some other questions which "might" appear on the test could be; name the first and last names of the members of the pact, name the month Julie receives the note, name the type of store Booter Bronson owns, the protagonist has been accepted to which college,name the character Helen met in chapter 4. Does this help?????
Make sure to have the next 15 words defined with part of speech in your notebook.
Complete a bookmark for Chapter 4.
Study Quarter Notes for Chapters 1,2 and 4.
Contest... Keep those drawings coming!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Do The Odd Numbers On Subject and Predicate Sheet.
Today we competed for $1,000,000! We played Rags to Riches and tried to successfully identify the subject and predicate in a variety of sentences. If you are not sure what the difference is between the two, check the blog, your notes, and the sheet you have for homework.
Do the even numbers for homework on the back of the sheet we worked on today!
Copy the next 15 words, definitions, and parts of speech INTO YOUR VOCABULARY NOTEBOOK!
Any contest entries?????
Core Enrichment Think about an ancestor to research
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
First 15 Words, Definitions and Parts of Speech are Due Tomorrow in Vocabulary Notebook.
Be sure to check Quizlet if you have not already done so. The definitions for the vocabulary words are ALL included in the games and tests. I'm hoping you can decide what part of speech belongs with each word. Remember: Definition begins with" to" is a verb.
Definition and word end in "ly" must be an adverb.
Definition and word end in an "ous" must be an adjective.
Definition begins with the word "a" must be a noun.
Today we revisited The subject of a sentence tells who or what the sentence is about or who or what is doing the action (noun or pronoun) .
The predicate tells what the subject is doing or more about the subject. (verb).
We have a sheet to complete for homework...Simple Subjects and Predicates. 1-14.
Have your vocabulary test signed.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Quarter Notes for Chapter 4 Due Tomorrow.
We went over the new vocabulary words for Chapters 4-9. The first 15 words, definitions and parts of speech should be copied into your vocabulary notebook by Wednesday, September 14th.
We will continue to answer questions for Chapters 3 and 4 tomorrow. Please make sure your study guide shee is in your binder.
Our Chapter rewrite will be continued later on this week.
Don't forget tomorrow is picture day.
We will continue to answer questions for Chapters 3 and 4 tomorrow. Please make sure your study guide shee is in your binder.
Our Chapter rewrite will be continued later on this week.
Don't forget tomorrow is picture day.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Be Ready To Type On Monday, September 12th.
We went over the Bookmarks and the Study Guide questions 5-9. We completed Chapter 2 and reviewed the plot of the book thus far.
WE also reviewed similes, metaphors, personification and idioms. We have a pretty good handle on these literary terms.
New words Chapters 4-9 on Quizlet.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
I'm Psyched For Tomorrow!
Today we took our first vocabulary test and got back our Small Steps test from last week. I will count your writing prompt for the book as a separate grade.
Tonight you must complete ONE bookmark on the bookmark sheet for Chapter 3. Answer questions 5-9 from the list of Study Guide questions in your Vocabulary/Note-taking notebook.
We will rewrite Chapter 3 on the net books tomorrow! I can't wait!!!! Think about some of the changes you will make. What does the word anachronism mean?????? How does a cellphone or flat screen apply?????
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Test Tomorrow and Chapter 2 Quarter Notes Due.
We reviewed Chapter One and outlined some Quarter Notes for the Main Ideas and Details sections. Chapter Two Quarter Notes are due tomorrow and answers to Questions 5-9 are due on Friday, September 9th.
Designs for the t-shirt look wonderful. We will vote as a team. Great Job!!!!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Finish Quarter Notes For Chapter 1.
We finished reading and discussing Chapter One today and filled in some of the Quarter Notes' sections in our notebook. Finish the Main Ideas, Details , Vocabulary, and Questions for homework. Be sure to write the definitions and the parts of speech for each of the words.
Actively study for the Vocabulary Test on Thursday, September 8th.
Got any ideas for the designs for the t-shirts?
Stay tuned for more information!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Have You Read Chapter 1?
Well, now you know that Julie has been accepted to Smith. Do you know anything about Smith, where it is, what kind of school it is? Julie and her Mom are very excited. What month of the year is the first chapter taking place in? We'll talk tomorrow.
Vocabulary Test on Thursday, September 8th. Don't forget Quizlet!!!!!!
Vocabulary Test on Thursday, September 8th. Don't forget Quizlet!!!!!!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
One Week Down; Nice Job.
Today we took the test on the book "Small Steps" and passed in our book and summer reading assignments. Everyone now has a copy of IKWYDLS and a writing folder.
Read chapter one over the weekend and Check the Blog!!!!! CTB
Have a wonderful long weekend and enjoy the sunshine! Remember to copy the vocabulary words and definitions into your vocabulary notebook if you did so on white-lined paper.
Don't forget to think about the theme for our team. The Twin Empire, The Tween Empire and on the back 9/11 Never Forget. If you have any ideas let one of your teachers know. If you are artistic and would like to design the front or the back, copy your ideas on paper and we'll vote next week.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Don't Forget To Do Your Vocabulary.
Some of us received our books today and others will have to wait until tomorrow. We went over the vocabulary words for Chapters 1-3 of "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and checked out the link "See What You Know" on the SMART Board. Please use this link to check your understanding of the new vocabulary and copy the definition in your vocabulary notebook. You can use dictionary.com if you are not sure of an answer.
Tomorrow is the test on "Small Steps" and your book is due in addition to your summer reading assignments.
Any papers that require a signature should be returned tomorrow, September 1, 2011.
Question on the test tomorrow: Explain the metaphor "small steps." What does it tell the reader about Armpit's character and personality?
Hints for the test: In which city and state did the novel take place?
From whose perspective is the novel being told?
Who owned Raincreek?
What famous baseball player signed "the Bat" in the novel?
Where did Armpit fly to see K. DeLeon?
Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Thanks for a Great First Day!
Today was a wonderful day filled with new faces and new expectations. We received a questionnaire for our parents and a list of "Rules for a Great Year." Tomorrow we will receive an expectation sheet and a letter explaining that the book we read is vastly different form the movie by the same title.
1. Bring your writing assignments for summer reading to class for collection on Thursday, September 1st.
2. Bring your "Small Steps" book back on Thursday, September 1st.
3. You will have a "Small Steps" test on Thursday, September 1st.
4. Bring back your Parent Questionnaire tomorrow.
5. Make sure you have your supplies ready for a GREAT YEAR!!!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Check Out The Link "Give This A Look" About Our First Author.
I'm ready for a great year of school; I hope you are too!!!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Great Job Today. Have Grammar Final Signed.
Today we did a writing exercise which hopefully will be remembered by the Shooting Stars for a long time. I am looking forward to the Talent Show! I've seen some of the acts already. See you tomorrow!
Great Job, Kids!
It was fun going to Georges Island yesterday. Thank you for your good behavior. I hope you enjoyed the day as much as I did. Thank you to Mr. Golliber, Mrs. Johnston, Mr. Gannon, Mrs.Ciszek, and Mrs. Kordash. You're the best!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
No Homework!
Enjoy the weekend. We'll continue to read Touching Spirit Bear next week. Since the week has many activities planned, please check the white board daily for details and schedules.
Field trip looks to be rainy. Dress appropriately in layers (sweatshirts, slickers, windbreakers) and sneakers or waterproof boots if necessary. This type of weather occured three years ago and we still had a great time. There will be a list of chaperones and students available on Monday so be sure to check where you belong.
Good luck to the cast and crew of Tom Sawyer. I can't wait to see it!!!!!!
Field trip looks to be rainy. Dress appropriately in layers (sweatshirts, slickers, windbreakers) and sneakers or waterproof boots if necessary. This type of weather occured three years ago and we still had a great time. There will be a list of chaperones and students available on Monday so be sure to check where you belong.
Good luck to the cast and crew of Tom Sawyer. I can't wait to see it!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Read Chapter 18 and Answer Questions.
Today we went over the Chapter 15 "demonstration" and discussed the Chapter 16 questions together. We read Chapter 17 and talked about the point Edwin was trying to make to Cole using a stick. Do you agree?
Make sure you answer all the Questions for Chapter 18 in your notebook for homework in complete sentences for June 10th.
Period 5 read Chapter 19 and answer questions in notebook.
Finish all your vocabulary for Friday, June 10th.
Play grammar games and study handouts and notes for test on Friday, June 10th.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Answer Questions 1-8 on Sheet You Received Today for Chapter 16 in Notebook.
Today you told me about chapter 15. I am very glad to see that most of you are still putting forth your best effort.
Finish your vocabulary sheet for Friday, June 10th.
Have your vocabulary test signed.
Answer questions 1-8 for Chapter 16 (sheet with questions up to Chapter 22) in your vocabulary notebook.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Read Chapter 15 Tonight.
Make sure you complete the vocabulary list up to and including page 178 "dismay." Copy the word, the definition and the part of speech into your notebook.
I was very impressed by the beautiful collages presented during ELA today. I'm proud that so many of you continue to display strong effort. Remember,"... it ain't over till the fat lady sings" and I have not even begun to sing.
Read Chapter 15 tonight and get your Vocabulary Test signed.
Grammar Test to be announced.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Choose A Line!
Tonight your homework is to choose a quotation from Chapter 14 and explain in 4 well-constructed, neatly organized sentences why you chose this line from the chapter. What is important about this line and what feeling resonates within you when you read this quotation or line. Please write this answer in your notebook.
Bring in a magazine you can cut up along with scissors and gluestick.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
One Page of Quarter Notes for Chapters 11 and 12. One Page of Quarter Notes for Chapter 13.
Do Quarter Notes as indicated above for homework tonight. Actively study for vocabualry test on Thursday, June 2nd.
Be studying grammar sheets and grammar notes in Grammar and Mechanics Notebook.
We will review this week and have an exam next week.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Enjoy The Beautiful Weather With Family and Friends!
Have a great weekend and finish Part One of Touching Spirit Bear for Tuesday, May 31st!!!!!!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
We've Conducted Circle Justice in Every Class.
We have one set of Quarter Notes for Chapters 9 and 10 to complete tonight. There will be no homework over the weekend. Please, however, read all of Part One up to page 115 for Tuesday, May 31st.
Period 5 students were offered an extra challenge tonight for homework! I will be very anxious to see the responses several willing students share in class tomorrow.
Hope to see you at the parade!!!!!
Congratulations Arianna Maldonado on your "What Memorial Day Means to Me" essay.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Quarter Notes for Chapters 4-6 Should Be Done.
In Periods 2, 3, and 5 we did a writing prompt about Circle Justice. We discussed its purpose and why it is used. We finished eading Chapter 5 and got part of the way through Chapter 6. In Period 5 we read all the way through Chapter 6 and part of the way through Chapter 7. Periods 2 and 3 should have Quarter Notes for Chapter 4-7 tonight and a bookmark completed for Chapter 6.
Period 5 needs to complete a bookmark for Chapter 7, only.
Have your final signed for ROT,HMC.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Chapters 4 and 5 Quarter Notes.
We went over some questions for Chapters 1-4 in groups of four. We will continue to read and complete vocabulary. Please complete the vocabulary sheet up to page 85 which is "exhausting" and begins with the letter g.
The Penny Books are great and your finals are almost completed.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Vocabulary Words to Page 68, Type Memorial Day Essay and Fix Mistakes.
We reviewed some of the book today and talked about Cole's frustration with his life. We also received our essays back with some corrections to be made in order to receive extra credit for the assignment.
Complete the vocabulary words up to page 68.
Chapters 1-4 Quarter Notes should be complete!
Today we learned about Gerunds and how they can function as a Direct Object, Predicate Noun, Object of the Preposition, or a Subject.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tonight Read Chapter 3 And Do Quarter Notes.
Continue reading Touching Spirit Bear and do quarter notes. Also, complete the vocabulary words up to page 41 on the vocabulary sheet and copy into your notebook for Friday, May 20th.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Final Tomorrow and Penny Book Due, Also.
We did a little review today and I'm sure you will do" smashing" on the final.
Penny Book due, also.
Touching Spirit Bear Quarter Notes due tomorrow for Chapters 1 and 2.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Peny Books Look Good.
I have check everyone's Penny Book who has submitted them on either google docs or as a hard copy. PLEASE DO NOT USE; a lot, stuff, there is, is because, or begin your caption with the year.
Please check your sentences and make sure they are complete sentences.
ROT,HMC final is on Wednesday. Please have 24 events listed in chronological order from the book. They do not have to be looooooong sentences but merely events which are significant.
I'm reading the Memorial Day essays.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Hey Kids, I have read over 100 captions this week and weekend but I know I have a few students whose captions need to be completed. Therefore, I will accept your Penny Books on Monday through Wednesday. If I have not yet edited your captions, please let me know and I will get right on it. Most of you have received your final corrections through google docs or my email. I will collect your Penny Book on Monday and get it back to you ASAP.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Chapter 12 Quarter Notes Due Tomorrow.
Quarter Notes are due for Chapter 12 tomorrow. We are almost through.
"What Memorial Day Means To Me" due this Friday, May 13th.
Penny Books due Monday, May 16th.
Final on the book next week after a brief review.
Study grammar sheets.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Good Luck on MCAS!
Make sure you go to bed early, eat a good breakfast and bring a book to read if you finish testing. Remember all the skills you have learned from Mrs. Downey and Mrs. Tevepaugh.
Google docs is experiencing some problems. Please make a hard copy of your Penny Book captions for me to read and score if possible. I'll get it right back to you!!!
What Memeorial Day Means To Me due Friday, May 13th.
Penny Book due May 16th.
Quarter Notes for Chapter 12 due Thursday, May 12th.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Be Extra Kind to Mom/Nana/Gramma
Happy Mother's Day! Be extra good today and let that special Mom/Nana/Aunt/Grandma know how much they mean to you!!!!!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Quarter Notes for Chapter 10 Due Today, Chapter 11 Due on Monday, May 9th.
We are just about finished the book. The action is mounting and the white community is making things more difficult for the Logan family. Today we will review Chapter 9 and 10.
What Do You Know 10-12 due Monday and Chapter 11 Quarter Notes.
Penny Books due May 16th.
What Memorial Day Means to Me?
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Penny Book Due May 16th.
We worked all period on the Penny Book today. You have two double-sided sheets for homework tonight. Antonyms 177, Antonyms 178, Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms 179 and Prefixes 180.
We'll go over your open response in your notebook.
Make sure you have Quarter Notes for Chapter 9.
Keep working on Penny Books!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Finish Quarter Notes for Chapter 8 and Actively Study for Tests.
We corrected our homework assignments which we completed over the weekend on Chapters 7 and 8. Tonight we will complete Quarter Notes for Chapter 8 and actively study for our Sections 2 and 3 test tomorrow.
What Do You Know 10-12 due next Monday, May 9th.
Wednesday we will work on the Penny Book in class.
What Memorial Day Means to Me?
Friday, April 29, 2011
Chapters 7 and 8 Sheet Due Monday, May 2.
We completed Chapter 7 today and went over the questions and quotations on the" What Do You Know?" "Study Guide 7" sheets. We have a Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 handout to complete for homework over the weekend. Skip the vocabulary section on the Chapter 8 sheet.
Vocabulary Tests on Tuesday, May 3rd.
Bring ALL supplies for assembling the Penny Book next Wednesday, May 4th. I have wallpaper, foam letters and extra pennies.
Reaing and Writing students begin presentations next Monday. I can't wait!!!!!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Finish Captions for Tomorrow, April 29th.
We are almost finished with Chapter 7 but there is sooooo much action that happens in that 30 pages that it is hard to go quickly through such an exciting chapter. Finish the page numbers beside the quotaions on the Study Guide 7.
Finish your captions.
Don't forget eport card forms and permission slips and money.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Finish Typed Captions for Friday, April 29, 2011.
We worked all period on the Penny Book today. We edited pages for the first five years of our lives. For Friday, we have to complete typing the remaining captions up to the present day. I'm happy to see so many creative and imaginative pictures and designs to use on your Penny Book. Next week, we will devote a full class to assembling the books and laying out the pages for each year.
Complete the Study Guide for Chapter 7 and answer questions 7-10 on the "What Do You Know? 6-7.
Actively study vocabulary words for a back to back test next Tuesday, May 4th.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Answer Questions 1-6 for Chapters 6 and 7 for Tomorrow.
Make sure to answer the questions 1-6 for Chapters 6 and 7 due tomorrow. Answer questions 7-10 for Wednesday. Complete the Study Guide: Unit 7 for Wednesday, also.
Complete the Section 3 Vocabulary for Wednesday. Remember: audible-capable of being heard, inaudible-not capable of being heard, apprehensive-nervous about the future,chignon-bun worn at the nape of the neck,placid-serene;calm.
Friday, April 15, 2011
READ And Have a Wonderful April Vacation!
Try to finish the book. We are over halfway there! Play outside, enjoy your friends and family and RRRRRREEEEEAAAAADDDDD!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Easter!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Quarter Notes for Chapter 6 Tonight.
Make sure you complete your Quarter Notes for Chapter 6 tonight. Periods 2 and 3 complete one set and Period 5 complete the second section of Chapter 6. Tomorrow I will collect the "What Do You Know?" for Chapters 4 and 5. I will pass out Chapters 6 and 7 "What Do You Know?"
Did you like working with the SMART board and the white boards today????? I sure did.
Finish reading the book over the vacation if possible. It will be hard to put down.
Don't forget a picture of Uncle Hammer!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Finish "What Do You Know?" and Define Section 2 Vocabulary.
Today we discussed the open response we completed in our notebooks. We discussed Mama's motive for taking the children to see the Berrys. In addition, we talked about the trip to Strawberry, Mississippi and the Barnett Mercantile. Tomorrow in Periods 2 and 3 we'll complete Chapter 5 and I will collect "What Do You Know?" at the beginning of class.
Define all the words in the Section 2 list for homework.
I'm reading your Penny Book captions. Are you checking your spelling????? I hope so.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Read Chapter 5 Tonight and Do Quarter Notes.
We know what happens to Stacey when Mr. Morrison broke up the fight at the Wallace Store. What would you do if you saw Mr. and Mrs. Berry? I think I would cry to myself and promise never to go to the Wallace Store again. Read Chapter 5 and tomorrow we'll talk about the Barnett Mercantile. TJ has such an influence on Stacey. Do Quarter Notes for Chapter 5 and we will finish "What Do You Know?" in class. Your Penny Books look good.
First column of Section 2 words should be defined by Thursday.
Monday, April 11, 2011
What Do You Know? #1-6
We talked more about Chapter 4 and discussed some of the characterization after we took our vocabulary test. We will finish up Chapter 4 and go on to Chapter 5 tomorrow.
Thank you to all who sent their first five years for their Penny Book. If you would prefer to give me a printed copy for perusal, that is fine, too.
Period 5 may complete their What Do You Know?
Don't forget to have your tests signed for "Song of the Trees" due tomorrow.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Test on Monday, April 10th And Also First 5 Years Due For Penny Book.
On Monday, we will have our first vocabulary test for the first section of Roll of Thunder, hear My Cry. Make sure you study!
Also, we began our captions this week for the Penny Book so the first 5 years should be shared with Mrs. Jaggers on your google docs account.
Complete the Description Sheet for the characters from the book. What is the relationship of the characters to the Community and the Logan Family? What is the perception of the Community?
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Description, Traits,Community Blocks Filled In Tonight.
Tonight Periods 2 and 3 have up to p 81 in chapter 4 to read and complete Quarter Notes. Period 5 has to read up to p. 87 and complete Quarter Notes.
Vocabulary Test on Monday, April 10th.
Penny Book captions for first 5 years due Monday, April 10th.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tonight Work on Google docs and Figurative Language
Period 5 has a character "Description Sheet" to work on tonight. They should also be adding onto their captions for the Penny Book.
Period 3 also has to work on Penny Book captions.
Period 2 has to work on captions for Penny Book.
All classes need to complete captions for their first 5 years for Monday, April 11th. We will focus on just the writing portion and attach pictures and pennies later on. It is important to be collecting pennies and pictures now instead of waiting until the last minute. We will decide on a due date this week.
Vocabulary Test on the Section 1 words is scheduled for Monday, also.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Finish Chapter 3 Quarter Notes, Writing Prompt, Pictures and Pennies.
In Chapter 5 we finished Chapter 3 today. Mr. Evans was gracious enough to come into our class and share "Strange Fruit" sung by the famous Billie Holliday. We have a writing prompt to complete tonight for homework in our vocabulary notebooks. "How does the song 'Strange Fruit' embody the fears that the Logan children have to live with?" In Period 5 we also have to pick out a literary device; simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole and illustrate it.
Period 2 and 3 need to complete the second half of the Quarter Notes for Chapter 3 and complete the writing prompt mentioned above.
Everybody bring in some pictures and pennies. That is all. Don't woryy about scrapbooks or other supplies until you have all your pictures and pennies. I have some pennies to help you out!!!!
Today was the last day to have poems checked. They look great! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!
Finish Chapter 3 Quarter Notes, Writing Prompt, Pictures and Pennies.
In Period 5 we finished Chapter 3 today. Mr. Evans was gracious enough to come into our class and share "Strange Fruit" sung by the famous Billie Holliday. We have a writing prompt to complete tonight for homework in our vocabulary notebooks. "How does the song 'Strange Fruit' embody the fears that the Logan children have to live with?" In Period 5 we also have to pick out a literary device; simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole and illustrate it.
Periods 2 and 3 need to complete the second half of the Quarter Notes for Chapter 3 and complete the writing prompt mentioned above.
Everybody bring in some pictures and pennies. That is all. Don't worry about scrapbooks or other supplies until you have all your pictures and pennies. I have some pennies to help you out!!!!
Today was the last day to have poems checked. They look great! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Quarter Notes Tonight and Open Response
If you are in Periods 2 or 3, begin Quarter Notes for Chapter 3. If you are in Period 5 finish Quarter Notes for Chapter 3.
Respond to the question, "What was the suspense in Chapter 1? Explain in 4 or 5 complete sentences.
Hopefully, we will finish Chapter 3 tomorrow and begin Chapter 4. What a great act of revenge on the part of the Logan children.
Great job to the students who showed me their poems for the poetry contest. I hope we have some published!!!!!
Penny Book on Wednesday, April 6th.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Section One Vocabulary and Questions Due on Monday, April 4th.
Most classes had a test today on "Song of the Trees" and everyone has a copy of the vocabulary and the questions to be answered. Remember, the questions are for the first couple of chapters of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. We have talked about much of the book and the answers for the first 11 questions are in the first chapter. The answers to the following questions are on the pages indicated. Question #5 is on p. 13 and p.48, question #6 is on p.24, question #7 is on p.29 and p. 30, question #8 is on p. 34 and p. 35, question #9 is on p. 39, and question # 10 is on p. 50 and p. 51. Now aren't you glad you checked the blog!!!!!!
All Section 1 Vocabulary words are due in the notebook on Monday, April 4th.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Quarter Notes for The Second Part of Chapter 1 Tonight.
We have almost completed Chapter 1 in Periods 2 and 3. A set of Quarter Notes is due tonight for the second part of Chapter 1. In Period 5, we are almost on Chapter 2. Period 5 students must complete Quarter Notes for Chapter 2 tonight. All students should finish one bookmark and fill it up with personification, metaphors and similes, and idioms. Idioms are pretty scarce. Actively study vocabulary for a test on Friday, April 1st. Make sure you are familiar with figurative language as well. They will be on the test, also.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Triangular Trade and Slavery
We learned about the Triangular Trade and slavery and the financial impact it had on all the continents involved. (see the link to the right).
We also read some poetry written about slavery and the feelings perhapd experienced by a slave who settled in Virginia.
We finished "Song of the Trees" and talked a little about the Logan Family. They demonstrated so many admirable qualities. Periods 2 and 3 have to read up to page 15 and do Quarter Notes. Period 5 has to do Quarter Notes for all of Chapter 1.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Actively Study Vocabulary For Test On Friday, April 1st.
We are almost finished reading The Song of the Trees. We have a clearer picture of the Logan family and what they stand for and represent. We talked about what the United States was like in 1930-1931 and talked about the Jim Crow Laws.
We'll begin the Penny Books this week.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Enjoy the Weekend
Have fun outside! If you get a chance, please find some pennies and/or some pictures for the Penny Book. We'll begin this project next week.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Early to bed, Eat a good breakfast, and Finish Strong.
Remember everything we've worked on and learned. Refer to yesterday's post for some last minute hints. Remember, you can do it !!!!
You Got The Power!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Good Effort on The Long Composition.
Today we completed the long composition. Hopefully, you utilized all the strategies we have been working on this year. Tomorrow will be a little more challenging! You may have a poem, an excerpt from a play, a piece of non-fiction, a famous piece of literature, or a myth. Remember to make the BRAIN DUMP.
Highlight words in the multiple choice questions.
Highlight where you found the answers in the poem or excerpt.
Use the process of elimination on the multiple choice questions.
Put the number of the question next to the line which validates your answer.
Read the open response question.
Highlight words like explain and describe.
Highlight words in the question that help you to plan youfr answer.
Make a web.
Answer the question and use quotations to support your answer.
Highlight words in the multiple choice questions.
Highlight where you found the answers in the poem or excerpt.
Use the process of elimination on the multiple choice questions.
Put the number of the question next to the line which validates your answer.
Read the open response question.
Highlight words like explain and describe.
Highlight words in the question that help you to plan youfr answer.
Make a web.
Answer the question and use quotations to support your answer.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Get to bed early, eat a GOOD breakfast, bring a book and a highlighter.
Tomorrow is the big day! Remember all the strategies we've learned and do your best. Should I look for the pink hair dye, yet???????
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Tomorrow Bring a Highlighter!
We will get back some writing with suggestions for improvement! We will review some strategies and maybe an excerpt or two. Remember the Brain Dump and WEBBING!
Have you looked over your handouts?
Remember!!!!!! You Got The Power!!!!!
Have you looked over your handouts?
Remember!!!!!! You Got The Power!!!!!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Actively Study Handouts and Remember Strategies We've Learned.
Today we had a pep talk about how we can do our best on the MCAS test next week. Remember what we've learned and check over your notes in Grammar and Mechanics Notebooks and all the handouts we've covered this year. Participles and Gerunds, Infinitives, the eight parts of speech, kinds of sentences, types of sentences, poetry terms, elements of a short story, clauses, and test-taking strategies. Can you form a TORSO to use on Tuesday?
Enjoy the weekend!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Four More School Days Until MCAS!
We are turning the corner on the big day. Actively study your parts of speech, poetry review, elements of a short story, and remember the strategies we've learned!
Open Responses due on Friday, March 18th. Final is the same day!
Open Responses due on Friday, March 18th. Final is the same day!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Parts of Speech Review Due Tomorrow.
We worked on some poetry terms today and conferenced about our writing. Tomorrow we will go over Quiz Time for Chapters 20-23. Hopefully, you are carefully working on your typed open responses which are due on Friday, March 18th.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Quiz time 20-23 Due Tomorrow
We completed the book today and briefly discussed the ending. Tomorrow we will go over Quiz Time and answer the questions to make sure everyone is clear about where Jonas and
Gabe went after they escaped from the Community.
Remember to complete The Parts of Speech Review sheet for Wednesday, March 16th.
Open responses are due on Friday, March 18th, which is the same day as the final.
Wear Green on Thursday, March 17th, St. Patrick's Day for an edible surprise!!!!!
MCAS begins a week from tomorrow!!!!!!!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Finish The Giver.
We are just about finished. the book. Read the remaining pages over the weekend. Quiz Time is due on Tuesday, March 15th for Chapters 20-23.
Two typed open respnses due Friday, March 18th which is the final.
Study grammar handouts from today.
Good luck to the cast of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown"
Two typed open respnses due Friday, March 18th which is the final.
Study grammar handouts from today.
Good luck to the cast of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown"
Thursday, March 10, 2011
"Can Bears Predict Earthquakes?" due Tomorrow, March 11,2011
Be sure to use your "highlighter" on your MCAS packet tonight. Highlight all the important words in the questions and in the excerpt. Remember what we did in class today. Put the question number beside the underlined passage in the excerpt. Write your open response on white-lined paper (NOT IN THE NOTEBOOK) and staple to the packet. Don't forget to put your name on the passage and your open response. BRING HIGHLIGHTER TO CLASS.
Quiz Time due tomorrow March 11, 2011.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Pronoun Test Tomorrow
Everyone should be actively studying tonight for the Pronoun Test tomorrow. Remember the tune to "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and you'll get it.
Everyone should have copied into notebook, two lines from both chapters 16 and 17 that stuck in your mind while we read today. Complete the open response in your notebook. DO NOT WRITE ON WHITE-LINED PAPER!
Everyone should have copied into notebook, two lines from both chapters 16 and 17 that stuck in your mind while we read today. Complete the open response in your notebook. DO NOT WRITE ON WHITE-LINED PAPER!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Fill in TORSO for Homework.
We have completed Chapters 14 and 15 for The Giver. The remaining chapters should fly from now on. Jonas has experienced physical and emotional pain and he now realizes what is expected of him because of his selection. Tonight we will complete an illustration of a paragraph on page 116. Make them as colorful as possible.
Fill in TORSO for Changes essay.
Have Test signed.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Have You Brainstormed Changes Since Fourth Grade?
Check out the new link to see some well-written paragraphs.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Pronoun Test Next Wednesday, March 9th.
Great job with your homework today! We took a Vocabulary Test on the 3rd. section of The Giver today.
We revisited pronouns and received pages 119-120, Subject Pronouns as a review of subject pronouns. For homework we have pages 121-122 Object Pronouns and Pronoun Game but just the ODD NUMBERS!
We will be completing our last "long composition" before the MCAS test. For homework we have the writing prompt about changes that have taken place since fourth grade. For homework, highlight words in the prompt, make a Brain Dump on the back of the prompt and make a web on the back just brainstorming some of the changes.
We will focus on these assignments and get back to the book next week.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Vocabulary Test Tomorrow, March 4th.
We received some vocabualry sheets today which might prove to be a better study tool than flashcards. We have 3 vocabulary words to use in a sentence, define, and draw a visual picture. Make sure to study actively.
We seem to know our pronouns a little better. Test TBA ( to be announced). We have a sheet to complete for homework tonight. p. 107 and p. 108.
We reviewed the book today. We know that The Giver has now provided Jonas with the memory of physical pain and emotional pain. What was emotional? Do you remember?
We will receive a writing prompt for a long composition tomorrow.
We seem to know our pronouns a little better. Test TBA ( to be announced). We have a sheet to complete for homework tonight. p. 107 and p. 108.
We reviewed the book today. We know that The Giver has now provided Jonas with the memory of physical pain and emotional pain. What was emotional? Do you remember?
We will receive a writing prompt for a long composition tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Can You Sing the Pronoun Song?
Today we reviewed the 8th parts of speech. We specifically learned a song about......... The Pronoun!!!!!!!!! We learned how to remember the subject pronouns, he, she we, they, it, you, I. The object pronouns, him,her, us, them, it, you, me. The possessive pronouns, my,mine,your, your, their, theirs, our, ours, his, her,hers, its. and the reflexive pronouns, myself, yourself, himself, herself, itelf, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.
We completed Chapter 13 of The Giver and I was impressed with the beautiful Quarter Notes sme of you presented.
Quiz Time for Chapters 11-15 due tomorrow, March nd.
"Whose Voice is it, Anyway?" due tomorrow, also.
Actively study for Vocabulary Test on Friday, March 4th!!!!!!!!!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Quarter Notes for Chapter 13 due tomorrow, March 1.
Hopefully, you have not let your reading pile up! You DO NOT have to do Quarter Notes for Chapters 14 and 15. We will do something different.
Quiz Time for Chapters 11-15 due Wednesday, March 2.
Test on Friday, March 4th!!!!!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Can't Wait To See You!
Some of you have let me know you finished the book and you were very disappointed with the ending. I share your feelings. Why not complete your own ending?
Don't forget Chapter 13 quarter notes due Tuesday, March 1st.
Quiz Time for Chapters 11-15 due Wednesday, March 2nd.
Don't forget Chapter 13 quarter notes due Tuesday, March 1st.
Quiz Time for Chapters 11-15 due Wednesday, March 2nd.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Hey Kids!
Hope you had a good day on Friday. Do you think you aced the quiz? I hope so. Remember to finish Chapter 13 quarter notes for Tuesday, March 1st and Quiz Time 11-15 numbers 1-10 is due on Wednesday, March 2nd, so you need to read up to Chapter 15.
Keep reading. Don't worry about quarter notes for Chapters 14 and 15 this week. Enjoy the snow, the sunshine, and the brisk air. I'll miss those shining faces but I know you will have a wonderful week. If you read the book and want to drop me a comment either on the blog or my email, I'll check throughout the week.
Keep reading. Don't worry about quarter notes for Chapters 14 and 15 this week. Enjoy the snow, the sunshine, and the brisk air. I'll miss those shining faces but I know you will have a wonderful week. If you read the book and want to drop me a comment either on the blog or my email, I'll check throughout the week.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Quiz Tomorrow
We reviewed the kinds of sentences and types of sentences for the quiz tomorrow. You also have "This is not a test" to use when writing a narrative about The Giver using all the words. Mr. Evans and Mrs. Patenaude will explain. You may work on this in your vocabulary notebook after you complete the quiz. Also, make sure you complete Quiz Time 11-15 , which is due Wednesday, March 2nd. Chapter 13 quarter notes are due Tuesday, March 1st.
Get a book and read over vacation.
Have a wonderful vacation!!!!!!!
Get a book and read over vacation.
Have a wonderful vacation!!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Chapter 12 Quarter Notes/Actively Study for Quiz on Kinds and Types of Sentences on Friday, February 18th.
Tomorrow we will review the kinds of sentences (declarative, imperative, interrogative and exclamatory) as well as the types of sentences (simple, compound, complex, compound/complex).Everyone should be able to identify an independent and ependent clause. Actively study your handouts and check the games on tis blog.
Chapter 12 quarter notes are due tomorrow, also.
Quiz Time should be signed.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Open Response on White-lined Paper
Can you explain why The Receiver of Memory transmitted the memory of the sled ride down a hill of snow to Jonas? What was The Receiver of Memoory trying to explain to Jonas? Remember when he told Jonas he was not as old as he looked? What was the comparison The Receiver was trying to make? This should be answered neatly and completely on the white-lined paper I gave you.
Have your Quiz Time signed.
Actively study Compound, Complex, Simple Sentecnes AND Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory and Declarative. Make sure you understand Clauses (Independent and Dependent).
Quiz on Friday, February 18th.
Got all your definitions done?????
Monday, February 14, 2011
Finish Your Simple or Compound, Complex Sentence Sheet.
During class we worked on the Compound, Complex, Simple Sentence sheet. Finish it for homework.
Complee the third list of vocabulary words for homework. Some are repeaters.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Hey Kids, I found some decent frames at The Dollar Tree for a buck! If you would like to pay me tomorrow and have me pick up a frame for your poem, click on the comment with your initials so I'll know how many to get! Thanks!!!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Make Sure Poems Are Perfect
We corrected the Loners and Leaners and Clause Caught In Claws??? today. Hopefully, Independent and Dependent Clauses are making more sense. We will resume working on Types of Sentences next week.
Make sure you have supplies needed to make your pot pourri beautiful for that special someone!
Put time into your poems. Everyone has a google docs account so this should be pretty easy. We worked on the poems during class so it should be a manageable assignment.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Loners and Leaners and Clause Caught in Claws???
Today we reviewed up to Chapter 10 in The Giver and corrected Independent and Dependent Clauses. Tonight we have Loners and Leaners and Clause Caught In Claws??? to complete for homework. We will plan on a test next week before you go on vacation!
Chapter 11 Quarter Notes are due tomorrow, February 9th.
Supplies are due by Thursday, February 10th.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Independent/Dependent Clause Sheet and What's Missing?
We had a quick review of what a dependent and independent clause contains and how to tell the difference. Tonight for homework, be sure to read the directions carefully and follow them as indicated.
I will be going to Dollar Tree. Keep this on the QT.
Quarer Notes for Chapter 11 due on Wednesday, February 9th.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Pen Pals Have Been Delivered.
If you have a chance over the weekend, write to your penpal. I've requested some more if you are interested. When writing to your penpal, be sure to include your name, address (including USA after your return address) in your neatest printing or handwriting. Talk about your school, your family, your pets, likes and dislikes, hobbies and favorite sports.
Be sure to ask your penpal about him/herself. Print the address clearly on the envelope. Use at least $1.00 for postage. Check with the Post Office.
Study your Dependent and Independent Clauses and Types of Sentences.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Types of Sentences
Today we reviewed types of sentences and hopefully it is starting to make more sense. The games on this blog should help to clarify a little better.
I'll check the Quarter Notes tomorrow and give you penpals.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Remember What We Learned This Week.
Give the "Types of Sentences" link a try. It's fun and helpful!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
When I checked my mailbox today, I was very excited as will you be when we meet again!!!!!
Quiz Time Chapters 6-10. Answer questions 1-10 in complete sentences.
Copy the compound, complex, and compound/complex sentence definitions into Grammar and Mechanics Notebook on the same page as the clause notes from yesterday.
Make sure Chapters 7-10 quarter notes are complete and neat.
See you when I see you. Have fun in the snow!!!!!!!
Quiz Time Chapters 6-10. Answer questions 1-10 in complete sentences.
Copy the compound, complex, and compound/complex sentence definitions into Grammar and Mechanics Notebook on the same page as the clause notes from yesterday.
Make sure Chapters 7-10 quarter notes are complete and neat.
See you when I see you. Have fun in the snow!!!!!!!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Vocabulary Test Tomorrow and Poster Due.
Remember that the Ceremony poster is due tomorrow. LAST DAY!
Vocabulary Test tomorrow. Actively study.
Chapter 8 Quarter Notes due, also.
Vocabulary Test tomorrow. Actively study.
Chapter 8 Quarter Notes due, also.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Posters Need Work
Many of the posters today contained misspellings or punctuation/capitalization mistakes. We will display these on the bulletin board in the hall under the heading "The Ceremonies" for all to see. Since this assignment is fairly simple, please make sure your poster is one of which you can be proud!
"Understanding Special Meanings" is another assignment to be completed for homework. Read the italicized words and put into your own words.
Actively study for your vocabulary test on Thursday, January 27th. We will play another game of BINGO if time allows. We did not get a chance to play in Period 3. Let's get in one game tomorrow.
We will continue to go over the MCAS practice from January 14th. Let's try to improve our test-taking strategies and writing. You are coming along!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Poster for Ceremony Tonight and BINGO.
Today we reviewed the emblems associated with each Ceremony. Each student has been assigned a Ceremony for which to create a poster. The information includes the When: December Where: Auditorium Why: To see the Ones-Twelves receive________ What: The Ceremony of One-Twelve. Remember to make the poster in black and white.
Fill in the words, definitions and parts of speech for the vocabulary for Chapters 6-10. We went over all the definitions today. Test on Thursday, January 28th.
Chapter 7 Quarter Notes are due, also.
Fill in the words, definitions and parts of speech for the vocabulary for Chapters 6-10. We went over all the definitions today. Test on Thursday, January 28th.
Chapter 7 Quarter Notes are due, also.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow.
Another day off and remember all vocabualry words are due on Monday, January 24th. This means all words,definitions and parts of speech. Chapter 7 quarter notes are due on Tuesday, January 25th. We will plan on the test on Thursday, January 27th. Enjoy the snow but don't forget to get your work done.
I made a mistake . As a student mentioned in my fifth period class, there were 28 multiple choice questions on the practice MCAS. I erroneously said 25. I do apologize. I fixed all your grades as they were actually higher than indicated on the score card. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!!!!!!
Penpal requests have been mailed. I sent them RUSHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
I made a mistake . As a student mentioned in my fifth period class, there were 28 multiple choice questions on the practice MCAS. I erroneously said 25. I do apologize. I fixed all your grades as they were actually higher than indicated on the score card. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!!!!!!
Penpal requests have been mailed. I sent them RUSHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Finish Writing Prompt in Vocabulary Notebook.
Tonight you must finish your writing prompt in your notebook and define the next 6 words from the Section 2 vocabulary list. Make sure you have your vocabulary test signed.
If "No School" all vocabulary words from Section 2 must be defined with parts of speech in your vocabulary notebook.
Penpals should arrive soon. Thank you Emily Morrison!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Vocabulary Words and Quarter Notes Due Tomorrow.
Define the first six words on the word list and include part of speech. Complete Chapter Six Quarter Note, also
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Enjoy Your Extra Day Off and READ.
Today might be a good opportunity to catch up on your reading and do the Chapter 6 Quarter Notes. Stay warm, drink cocoa, and read.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Great Effort on the Test Today.
Today the seventh grade teams demonstrated great effort on the practice MCAS test. Hopefully, your scores reflect effort proving you utilized strategies we covered in ELA class. I look forward to reading your essays and grading your multiple choice answers.
Today the Chapter 5 quarter notes were due in addition to the Quiz Time 1-5 on the back of your vocabulary list. Therefore there will be no additional homework.
Tuesday, January 18th will be the last day to purchase a penpal.
Enjoy the long weekend!!!!!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Finish Open Response and Actively Study for Vocabulary Test Tomorrow.
We wrote an open repsonse in our notebooks for "The Give" today. Tonight we will write a final copy to be passed in tomorow.
Actively study for your vocabulary test tomorrow, January 11th. Make sure you know all words, definitions and parts of speech.
Chapter 4 quarter notes are due on Wednesday and Chapter 5 are due on Friday, January 14th.
Penpal money will be collected all week. The cost is $2.00 for a penpal from the US, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. It's FUN!!!!!!!!!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Vocabulary Test on Tuesday, January 11th.
Make sure to carefully study your words, definitions and parts of speech for the test on Tuesday, January 11th. We discussed chapter two of the book today and have a clearer picture of the lack of choices among the members of the Community. Each chapter will spark more and more questions but these questions will answer themselves as we continue to read.
Chapter 3 quarter notes are due on Monday, January 10th.
Penpal money will be collected next week. Just bring in $2.00 for a penpal from Europe, Asia, Africa, South America or the United States. Penpals are fun to write to and your writing skills will improve.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Twenty Four Words Due Tomorrow, January 7, 2011.
We went through the open responses and the multiple choice questions for "A Walk to the Jetty" by Jamaica Kincaid. We worked on some strategies which should help us to improve our scores in March.
Continue to define your vocabulary words and indicate the part of speech. We will have a test on Tuesday, January 12th.
Keep reading. Tomorrow we will discuss Chapter 2 of "The Giver" together.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
First Six Vocabulary Words And Packet Due Tomorrow, January 5th.
We listened to the first chapter of The Giver today and discussed the characters, the setting and the upcoming Ceremony. Tomorrow the definitions and parts of speech are due for the first six words. The following six words are due on Thursday and the next six words are due on Friday. The final six words need to be done by Monday, January 10th.
Packets are due tomorrow, also. Hopefully you have put time into this assignmnet. Make sure you have a graphic organizer somewhere on your answer sheet. Grades will be counted toward third report card.
Anyone interested in a pen pal from another country? See Mrs. Jaggers for more information!
We worked on some grammar today. Contractions are easy. Know the difference between "have" and "of" when writing contractions!!!!
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