Saturday, January 30, 2010

Practice MCAS Monday, February 1, 2010, Final draft of "ism" long composition due Tuesday, February 2nd.

We will take the practice MCAS test on Monday and then proceed to a regularly scheduled day. Please make sure to read Chapter 7. Think of what the dialogue might have sounded between Uncle Hammar and Mr. Morrison. Your final drafts of your "ism" essay is due either typed or neatly written or printed on white loose-leaf paper on Tuesday, Febuary 2nd. Do not use your notebook (that was only for the rough draft for peer editing). We will continue peer editing on Monday!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Today we went to the book fair after we worked on our rough drafts and TORSO for our ageism, sexism, or racism long compositions. We went over the information that should be included in each paragraph. Remember: strong "grabbing" opening sentence, transition words, details and examples using scenarios to clearly illustrate your position, strong concluding paragraph with a "clincher" for a closing sentence. Please work on your word choice, also.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010


If you have not read Chapter 6 of ROT,HMC, be sure to read it tonight. Yesterday, I assigned the chapter to be read and a summary of the Chapter written in your vocabulary notebook.

We began working on a composition after the test today. We have selected either racism, sexism, or ageism to write about. The questions to be answered were handed out in class today. Please continue your brainstorming on the back of this handout and fill in the TORSO for homework. If you already read Chapter 6 and wrote your summary, the TORSO will be the only homework for me tonight. Please think before you write and do your best.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

"What Do You Know 4-5" Due Tuesday, January 26th and Vocabulary Test For Section 2

As I told you, Quarter Notes for Chapter 4 and 5 are not assigned for this week, however, it is expected that you read Chapter 5 of ROT,HMC. On the back of " What Do You Know? 4-5" you are asked to write a summary of Chapters 4 and 5. Please write an insightful explanation of Chapter 5 since we wrote a summary of Chapter 4 in class on Thursday, January 21st. If you were absent please see Mrs. Jaggers.

QUESTION: What does TJ do to get back at Mama? Why does he do it? Does this "break the spirit" of the Logan family? Keep reading to find out the answers to these questions?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Chapter 4 Test 4 and Coat of Arms Due Tomorrow

We are completing our "Coat of Arms" tonight and finishing the back of the Chapter 3 which has ten multiple choice and some vocabulary ffor Chapter 4. Remember: you have had two nights to complete both of these assignments .

Vocabulary Test Tuesday, January 26th on section 2 for ROT,HMC.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Collages Look Pretty Good

We passed in our collages illustrating words, phrases and pictures which depict a character from ROT,HMC. They are extremely creative. During class we also corrected the Chapter 3 Unit # sheet we completed for homework. I'll correct them this evening.
For Thursday, please define the Section 2 vocabulary words for the book and read all of Chapter 4.

Family Cot of Arms for your family is due on Friday, January,22nd

Friday, January 15, 2010

Finish Collage and Test: Unit 3, Chapter 3

The finished collages look awesome on the front bulletin board. Everyone has done a wonderful job. Please complete yours over the weekend if you have not already done so. Complete the Test: Unit 3, Chapter 3 True or False and matching on the bottom.

Remember the importance of Martin Luther King Jr. and what he did for African Americans up to his assassination on April 4, 1968.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What Do You Know due tomorrow, Chapters 1-3

Tomorrow we will construct an 8 1/2 x 11 collage depicting a character from "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry." Please bring in descriptive words/phrases and pictures which should help to illustrate your character. Do not put the name of the character anywhere on the collage. We went over an example today for Mr. Morrison. The clues included railroad, "like a jungle cat", a human tree, fired, hired hand, and buff. Pictures that support these clues are helpful. If you cannot find pictures in the magazine you took from my classroom or your own magazine, please be sure to look on the web for some photos. We'll finish listening to Chapter 3 as we work.

"What Do You Know?" due tomorrow, January 15, 2010.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Do the Quarter Notes for the First Half of Chapter 3 Tonight

Today, we reviewed chapter two homework and most classes took their vocabulary test for the section one vocabulary of "ROT,HMC." We have been introduced to Mr. L.T. Morrison who lost his job on the railroad for getting into a fight with two white men. What do you think was the cause of the fight? Mr. Morrison seems like a pretty "chill" guy who does not get easily riled. What do you think?
Tonight we are also typing our Writing Forum response to the question regarding how Papa reveals his love to his wife, his children and his people. Cite proof from the chapter to support your answer. Please type this on googledocs.

Tomorrow night, we will write out the second half of the quarter notes for Chapter 3. "What Do You Know?" Chapters 1-3 is due on Friday, January 15th!

IMPORTANT********* When reading chapter 3, think of the importance of the rain and the figurative language on the first page of the chapter. Why is the weather such an important force and how does it impact the action in the story?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Vocabulary Test on Monday and One Set of Quarter Notes for Chapter 2

We have accomplished quite a bit this week. I am reading the open responses for "A Walk to the Jetty" and many of you are well on your way.

Please actively study your vocabulary words for the test on Monday, January 11th and read Chapter Two of ROT,HMC. Complete just one set of Quarter Notes since this chapter is rather short.

Check out the blog over the weekend!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Reading Assignment Chapter 1

Today we finished reading Chapter One for "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" and discussed the situation of the Blacks in Mississippi in 1933. Tonight for homework we will complete the sheet Reading Assignment Chapter 1 and answer the three Writing Forum questions in our Vocabulary/Notetaking Notebook. Please bring the completed sheet to class tomorrow with your notebooks.

Since Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday is almost here, we watched "The Witness" which recounts the events in Memphis, TN before the assassination of Dr. King. It was narrated by Rev. Billy Kyles who was with Dr. King at the Lorraine Motel on April 4, 1968.

Vocabulary test is on Monday, January 11, 2010
Only one set of quarter notes for Chapter 2 are due on Monday, January 11th, also. It is a great chapter!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Time Line Assignment

We went over the vocabulary words for the first section of "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" in class today. In Periods 2 and 3 we have just about finished reading and discussing chapter 1. In Period 4, we did finish Chapter 1. Hopefully, Period 6 will get close to the end of the chapter as well.
The vocabulary test is scheduled for Monday, January 11th. Please begin studying the definitions, parts of speech and use of the words.

We have a new bulletin board in Room 206. This board includes a timeline from 1619 when Africans were brought to Jamestown, Virginia as slaves. The timeline ends in 1998. The task of Team 7-2 is to complete this timeline naming and illustrating African Americans and their accomplishments and contributions to the United States. Period 2 is responsible for 2006-2009, Period 3 is responsible for 2004-2005, Period 4 is responsible for 1999-2002, and Period 6 is responsible for 2003. Students are required to use Bing or Google to help identify one or more African Americans who made significant contributions during these particular years in history.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome Back

We finished "Song of the Trees" today and began discussing "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry." You should have two sets of quarter notes for the first chapter of the book.

Tomorrow your packet is due for " A Walk to the Jetty" which was assigned before vacation. Don't forget your parent signature!!