Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween

We have finished up the final and the vocabulary test for Chapters 13-18 of I Know What You Did Last Summer. If you missed either of these tests because of illness, please see Mrs Jaggers on Monday, November 2, 2009. Also, two typed open responses are also assigned as part of your final grade.If you did not have work sent home, please see or call a friend who can give you the questions and the scoring rubric ( or FCA'S).

Have fun "trick-or-treating" but be safe!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Final and Typed Open Responses Due Tomorrow

Please make sure to type your open responses to be passed in with your final tomorrow. Study all the literary terms on the handout we referred to this week and in the past. Remember to bring your book back to class. Bonus points for those who return the original book they received in the beginning of the year!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Work Hard On Your Open Responses

Today we took a vocabulary test and worked on open responses after the test was collected. These typed open responses are due on Thursday, October 29th, when you take your final. Remember to study your final preparation sheet we completed during class on Monday. If you were absent, have a friend bring one home for you. Keep studying!!!

Work Hard On Your Open Responses

Monday, October 26, 2009

Vocabulary Test tomorrow,October 27th, Final on Thursday, October 29thday

Today we reviewed our final preparation sheet for the Thursday final on I Know What You Did Last Summer. Please refer to the examples we identified in class. You were given four open response questions from which you must choose two to be typed and handed in on Thursday. Please work on these ASAP while you have your books to refer to for complete, detailed answers.

Tomorrow is your vocabulary test. Remember to learn the parts os speech, also.


Friday, October 23, 2009

Nice Job On Your Quarter Notes

I noticed some extraordinary quarter notes today. Well done, Kids! Now that you know all there is to know about who left all the mementoes and who shot Barry, you should do well on the final. Remember to study for the vocabualry test scheduled for next Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Refer to the literary terms handout you received a while ago which includes; conflict(internal and external), resolution, primary and secondary characters, setting, moral, tone, metamorphosis, epiphany, foreshadowing, flashback,motivation, allegory. We will be refering to these on Monday in preparation for the final.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Are You Reading This Blog?

Tonight for homework you are supposed to do page 156 Prepositional Phrases. Make sure to put a parenthesis around the prepositional phrase and label as we did today. Remember the prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun as the object of the preposition. The only part of speech that can come between the preposition and its object is an adjective. Remember to underline the subject once and the predicate (verb) twice.

Quarter notes for chapters 13-18 due on Friday, October 23rd.

We will review the vocabulary tomorrow.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Are You On The Edge Of Your Seat, Yet?

After today's class, we now know that there are some similarities between Collie and Bud! Do you know what they are??? Both have the same last name, both were in the military, both know a cute little redhead. Need I say more?

Quarter notes for chapters 15-18 are due on Friday, October 23rd. The vocabulary words, definitions and parts of speech are to be copied into your" Vocabulary/Note taking Notebook" by this Wednesday, October 21st.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Parts of Speech Review

Today we took notes reviewing six of the eight parts of speech. Since we worked on prepositional phrases this week through the use of poetry, we discussed nouns, adjectives,adverbs conjunctions, pronouns and interjections. While Mrs. Jaggers began conferencing with students individually about their transition essays, we worked on a "Parts of Speech Review." We also saw that some words can be used as more than one part of speech. The word "train" for example can be a noun or a verb. If this review sheet has not been completed, it is to be completed over the weekend.

Students in my last period ELA class must fix their transition essays for Monday. Please return the final copy of your essay and your TORSO.

Some of the Preposition Poems look AWESOME!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Perfect Preposition Poems

Yesterday and today we worked on the construction of preposition poems. Tonight they must be completed if you have not already done so. Remember, if you need to fix your transition essay, tonight is the time to get it done. Quarter notes are due tomorrow for Chapter 14.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Don't Forget Pictures,Words, and Letters

Remember to bring in pictures, words and/or letters to spell out the words which construct your "Preposition Poems" for the bulletin board. We voted for the character sketches today which most resemble the members of the pact.

******Quarter notes for Chapter 14 due on Friday, October 16th*******


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Hopefully, today was a productive day in Mrs. Jaggers ELA and MCAS classes. I am looking forward to reading your transition essays. I will be talking to you about some new strategies I learned today that should help you to successfully prepare for the ELA MCAS and future testing.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Chapter 13 Quarter Notes Due Tuesday, October 13th

The book gets better and better. Keep reading and see if you can piece together any clues which help you to identify the stalker.

Work hard on Tuesday. I will be attending an MCAS workshop and look forward to reading your transition essays.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Torso Due Tomorrow

We began working on the TORSO today in order to successfully outline our "transitions" essay. We discussed the brainstorming we completed in our notebooks last night and modeled good topic sentences. In addition, we identified three school changes and listed examples of how all three changes have taken place since fourth grade. Tonight, we are to expected to thoughtfully complete the TORSO up to but not including the fifth paragraph. Tomorrow, we will begin constructing our fifth paragraph and establishing the FCA's for this and future long compositions.

40% 2-3 specific, interesting mini-stories from real life experiences
40% organized outline using order of importance and correct transitions
20% conventions and proofreading, refer to check off list

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Brainstorming In Vocabulary Notebook For Homework

Today we received a writing prompt regarding "transitions" since the fourth grade. In addition to checking over our chapter 12 quarter notes and completing out bookmark, we need to brainstorm transitions in our vocabulary notebook.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Tomorrow Test for Chapters 1-11 and Bookmark For Chapter 12 And Quarter Notes

Today, we completed Chapter 11. Great job for those of you who completed great quarter notes for chapter 11! Tomorrow you will have a test on these 11 chapters and be required to write an open response which you were assigned to complete at home.Be sure to complete your bookmark and chapter 12 quarter notes, also.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Subject/Verb Test Tomorrow

Hopefully everyone seems more comfortable with subjects and predicates after our ELA class today. Remember to study your handouts and your grammar notes.

Read Chapter 11 over the weekend and do Quarter Notes for Monday, October 5th. The book gets better and better!

Remember, if you have finished the book you have the option to write a closing chapter and illustrate each page. See Mrs. Jaggers for more details.