Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One Page In Notebook Due Tomorrow

Remember to write about your four characters and your setting for your story to read to the elementary students. Present a conflict that is appropriate for elementary children and use descriptive language.

Good job answering the questions for the first chapter of Touching Spirit Bear. Keep on reading!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

See You In The Morning

We are about to begin Touching Spirit Bear. I think you are really going to like it.
Take a little look at the sites I've linked. Did you learn anything new this past week? I did!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Don't Let This Vacation Week Pass Without Learning Something New

I can't believe this is my third post since Friday! If you get a chance, please check out the sites I have linked to the right. Be sure to enjoy being outside but please don't take a vacation from learning something new!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

While You Are On Vacation

I have found some great sites for your perusal while you are on vacation. Click on the book Touching Spirit Bear and then type in the title when you get to the ed helper page. If you are motivated, click on "It is A Great Book." Happy Vacation!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Great Job, Team 7-2

Terrific job completing the final today on Roll of Thunder Hear, My Cry. From the looks of the few finals I have perused, you obviously had a good understanding of the book. My biggest regret is that MCAS scheduling did not allow our "great generation " speakers to come in to talk to us about life during The Great Depression. We do have some wonderful interviews to listen to once we return from vacation.

While you are relaxing!!!!!!

Think of four characters from each of the books you have read this year. You will be responsible for putting together characters from four of the novels we have read so far and creating a setting, conflict, and of course a resolution for a short story. Got any ideas? Your story must teach a moral appropriate for an elememntary student. We will also teach them some English, Science, Social Studies or Math lessons. Think about it!!!

Have A Wonderful Vacation!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Final Tomorrow

Tomorrow you will have the final on Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. We read Chapter 11 and some of Chapter 12 in class. Think about who started the fire in the cotton field and why? Make sure you know your vocabulary words, also. Please, don't forget to bring your book to class. Do you have your original book?

Over vacation, think about the terms on the board today; protagonist, antagonist, conflict, resolution, tone, theme,characters and setting. We will begin preparing for our visit to TES when we return from vacation.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Read Chapter 10 And Do Quarter Notes For Homework

Today we found out that although the Logans face incredible adversity, they will not be beaten. Mama got fired from her teaching job because of TJ but more importantly because of the boycott of the Wallace Store. Mama's action has posed quite a threat to the Wallaces and to Harlan Granger. Papa must go back to work on the railroad to earn enough money to pay the taxes on the land. Mr. Morrison, Papa and Stacey were ambushed on their back from Vicksburg after buying supplies for the seven famililies still supporting the boycott.


Read chapter 10 and complete TWO pages of quarter notes.
Actively study vocabulary words for the test on Friday, April 17th.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Quarter Notes Chapters 8 and 9

Don't forget to complete one page of quarter notes for Chapter 8 which we read today in class, and one page of quarter notes for Chapter 9 which you are assigned to read tonight! We will go over the vocabulary tomorrow.

Collages and rubrics were due today!

Friday, April 10, 2009


We only have 4 chapters to go in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Do section 3 vocabualry over the weekend and finish character collage we began in school. Both assignments are due on Monday, April 13,2009. Remember: the vocabulary was assigned last Wednesday, April 8th. Make sure both are done well!

Hope the Easter Bunny is good to all of you!!!

Creative writing begins next week!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Finish Collage and Do Section 3 Vocabulary

Today we took a quick quiz on Chapter 7 of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Hopefully, you are staying on top of your reading and quarter notes!

Finish your collage over the weekend and define section 3 on your vocabulary list. It should be in your 3-ring binder. Have a wonderful Easter!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Look over your chapter 6 and 7 quarter notes.

Today, we listened to the rest of chapter 6 and the first half of chapter 7. You should have two pages of quarter notes for chapters 6 and two pages of quarter notes for chapter 7. There is so much information in each chapter. By the end of chapter 7, Mr. Jamison pays a visit to the Logan family. It is very easy to understand why the Logans have such great respect for this man. Mr. Jamison is warning them that they are treading on dangerous territory by boycotting the Wallace store. Mr. Granger appears at the end of the chapter and it is obvious he resents the fact that the Logans own land that once belonged to his family. Mr. Granger speaks very condescendingly to Uncle Hammer and Papa. We might have a little quiz tomorrow so make sure you understand the chapter. Now is the perfect time to check out "bookrags" or "spark notes" if you have any questions. "The best has yet to come!"


Bring in scissors, glue stick, and a magazine or newspaper.
We will make a collage which represents one of the characters we've met thus far.
Bring in 10 words or phrases describing your character ( you'll have time to cut some out during class).
Finish reading chapter 7 (we listened to half of the chapter today)
Make sure you have 2 pages of quarter notes for chapter 7 (we worked on this today during class today).

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Make Sure To Read Chapter 6 and 7

We are getting close to the end of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor and we are beginning to learn "the way of the world" for black people during the 1930's. Cassie Logan learns a powerful lesson from Lillian Jean Simms and her father when she steps inside the Barnett Mercantile in Strawberry, Mississippi for the first time. Uncle Hammer comes to visit the Logan family for Christmas and we realize how important the love and strength of the Logan family is for their survival. Money and material goods are not necessary for happiness, and the Logan family demonstrate the truth in this day after day.

Complete What Do You Know chapters 6 and 7
Do the back Transitive and Intransitive Verbs if you can; if not we will complete in class.
Bring in Magazines, glue sticks, scissors and letters for 10 adjectives to describe a character from the book. We will make collages on Thursday.
Finish personal poems. Minus 5 points for each day it is late.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Great Job Team 7-2

You definitely "got it done" over the past few days of the MCAS testing. Hopefully, you used some of the many skills and strategies you have been taught not only in past years but this year, most especially. I was so proud of the deliberateness and focus demonstrated by so many before even beginning to write either a long composition, an open response, or a multiple choice answer. Well done!

We'll see if you reap the benefits of the harvest! I hope you all do extraordinarily well!

Poems due today. Each day your poem is late will receive a 5 point deduction so..... get them it in. ASAP!


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Great Job, Team 7-2 One More Day of Reading Comprehension MCAS

Well Done Team 7-2! You definitely "stepped up to the plate" during the MCAS Reading Comprehension and Long Composition Tests. Monday is the last sesssion of the ELA portion of the MCAS test so finish strong and give it 110%. Keep working hard and next September you will see how well you did!

We need to finish Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry before we begin Touching Spirit Bear. We will begin reading chapter 6 (which is where we left off). Some of you have already finished ROT,HMC and have begun reading Mildred Taylor's next book, Let the Circle Be Unbroken. Great job!

We will soon begin Creative Writing to prepare for our annual spring trip to the elementary school. We still have a long way to go. Let's finish strong!!!

Poems are beginning to look awesome! Bring them in on Monday!


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Two More Days

We are halfway through the testing and I am pleased and proud to see so many students using the strategies we have implemented during class. Don't forget to highlight words in the open response questions, and highlight words from excerpts, poems, plays, and article in the test booklet (not on the answer booklet). MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! MAKE A WEB!!! Please do not even consider writing an answer until you have made a graphic organizer. Remember the words from the "wall of shame" which you should NOT use; many ways, that is how, is because, and a lot. YOU CAN DO IT!

Bring a book, a highlighter, a positive attitude!